Wednesday 10 June 2015

Post Project Report - Spirit of Swat 17 Aug 2011

1.            Swat, “Switzerland of the East”, is a paradise on earth. Blessed with lush green valleys having snow clad peaks in the background and crystalline waters of Swat River makes Swat a poet’s dream and a tourist’s heaven. The nature has unfurled every colour in the seasons of Swat. Historically Swat remained a peaceful area with minimum crime rate having strong inclination and reverence towards religion. The innocent and religious nature of the people of Swat was exploited by the extremists. This resulted in the recent episode of militancy and resultant operations in the Valley. The taliban implemented their draconian version of sharia, or Islamic law. A wave of assassinations was unleashed against police officers, tribal leaders and politicians. Those who dared to resist the Taliban were brutally slaughtered and town centres were converted into execution centres. Barbers were ordered not to shave beards and music was banned. Each family was asked to hand over one male member to help them wage jihad and a daughter to be wedded to Taliban or else the family will be beheaded. The army named its operation against militants as Rah-e-Rast (The Correct Path). With widespread nationwide support from the parliament, political parties, civil society and the masses, the army launched the operation Rah-e-Rast on 1 May 2009. Before the start of operation, a massive exodus of over two million people of Swat took place. Such a huge dislocation of masses had no parallel in the contemporary military history where a successful military operation was carried out and the population again rehabilitated in a short span of two months. The conflict was followed by calamity and floods of August 2010 which brought devastation never witnessed by the people of the area. But the people of Swat exhibited strong resolve and determination to reclaim their heaven and today, in a short span of time, life has returned to normalcy.
2.         Since, the attainment of normalcy in Swat, a need was felt to organize such events which help to soothe minds of the tyranny and calamity hit locals, restore the confidence of tourists to resuscicate the tourist industry, revive the local economy and bring hope to the locals for a better and brighter tomorrow. For this purpose, Headquarters 19 Division started the “Spirit of Swat” project with the help of PaRRSA and United Nations Develpement Projects. “Spirit of Swat” was a multi-facet project which included various activities like Sports events (Cricket, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Football, Polo, Car Rally, Jeep Rally, Rikshaw Rally, Mountain Bi-cycling, Blinds Cricket and Golf), Musical Evenings and Fireworks, Recreational Events (Sindh Troupe Show, Lucky Circuis and Puppet Shows), Adventure Sports (Para Gliding, Hang Gliding, Sky Diving, Power Gliding, Micro Light Aircraft Flying, River Rafting, Dirt Biking, Rock Climbing / Repelling and Remote Control Aircraft Flying)  and miscellaneous activities (Marathon Race, Jala Competition, Camping and Trekking, Walk: a Cause for Peace and Vocational Training Centre Exhibition).   
3.         To explain in detail about the activities conducted in the Spirit of Swat, the effects generated and future Recommendations.
4.         Post report of the festival is being forwarded in following sequence:-
a.            Activities conducted in the festival.
(1)          Sports Events
(a)          Cricket Competition.
(b)          Volleyball Competition.
(c)          Women Badminton Competition.
(d)          Women Table Tennis.
(e)          Football Competition.
(f)           Polo Tournament.
(g)          Car Rally.
(h)          Jeep Rally.
(i)            Mountain Bi-Cycling.
(j)            Golf Matches.
(k)          Squash Championship.
(l)            Basket Ball Competition.
(m)         Tug of War.
(n)          Body Building.
(2)          Musical Evenings
(a)          Musical Program in Mingora.
(b)          Musical Program in Kabal Ground.
(c)          Musical Program in Matta.
(d)          Musical Program in Shahi Ground, Kalam.
(3)          Fireworks.
(4)          Recreational Events.
(5)          Adventure Sports.
(6)          Peace Walks.
(7)          Circus / Troupe Shows.

(8)          Puppet Shows.
(9)          Exhibitions.
(10)       Local Competitions (Rikshaw Rally, Jala Competition etc).
(11)       Special Children Sports at national level.
(12)       Miscellaneous activities.
b.            Effects of Spirit of Swat Festival.
c.            Recommendations for future.
d.            Conclusion.
e.         Consolidated video of Spirit of Swat Project can be watched on web link
5.         Activities Conducted in the Festival
a.            Sports Competitions        
(1)          Cricket Competition. Cricket competition was held in all tehsils of the region and was organized at provincial level. 8 x best teams participated in the final event. Winner team, runners up team, best player and man of the series were awarded certificates and trophies. Approximately 700 spectators were present in the final match. News cutting is attached as per Annexure A.  
(2)          Volleyball Competition.     Volleyball competition was held in all tehsils of District Swat. Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa level competition was held at Manglour. 6 x best teams participated in the final competition. Final match was played between Barikot and Matta Teams. Matta team won the match. In Tehsil Barikot, the chief guest was Mr Fazal Ellahi, General Manager of Islamic Research Centre of London. Winner team, runners up team, best player and man of the series were awarded certificates and trophies. Approximately 350 spectators enjoyed the final match.
(3)          Women Badminton Competition. Women Badminton tournament was held between all Tehsils. 14 x teams contested for the trophy. Women of Swat region, especially those studying in colleges, participated with zeal in this event. In the final match, chief guest was Mrs Dilshad Begum, District Education Officer, Mingora. The winner team was awarded prizes and trophy. 250 spectators enjoyed this competition. News cutting is attached as per Annexure A.   
(4)          Women Table Tennis.       Women Table Tennis tournament was held between all tehsils.  20 x women teams from different schools participated in this event. Women of Swat region, particularly college students participated enthusiastically in this event. In the final match, cash prizes and certificates were awarded to the participants.
(5)          Football Competition. Football tournament was organized in all the tehsils of Swat region.  30 x teams participated in the event. In the final match, chief guest was Minister of National Assembly Engineer Amir Muqam. Winner team, runners up team, best player and man of the series were awarded certificates and trophies. The chief guest donated Rupees 25000/- for uplift of football ground. Thereafter, provincial level tournament was held at Kabal in which 11 major teams from Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa participated. Approximately 2000 spectators enjoyed this competition. Video of the event can be watched on web link
(6)          Polo Tournament  4 x teams participated in the Polo competition. Frontier Corps team won the Final match. The chief guest of final match was Chairman Fauji Foundation Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa Brigadier (Retired) Shaukat (the senior most retired army officer of Swat). 5000 spectators witnessed this tournament. Winner team and runners up teams were awarded cash prizes and trophy. Video of the event can be watched on web link
(7)          Local Polo Team.      First time in the history of Swat, a local polo team was trained, which practiced for 15 days and successfully participated in the Competition. The playing sticks / kits were procured and provided to the team. People of Swat showed keen interest in watching Polo.
(8)          Car Rally.  Total 36 x participants contested in the car rally. Rally started from Attock and finished at Mingora. Participants from Tehsil Kabal won the competition. The chief guest was Mr Aqil Shah, Minister for Culture Sports and Tourism, Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa. Approximately 3000 spectators witnessed the rally. Winner participant was awarded cash prizes. Video of the event can be watched on web link
(9)          Jeep Rally.   This event was held from Shangla to Madyan. 35 x participants contested in this event. A huge crowd witnessed this event in grassy ground Mingora. The chief guest was Minister of National Assembly Engineer Ameer Muqam. Chief Guest awarded cash prizes to the first five position holders. Video of the event can be watched on web link
(10)       Mountain Bi-Cycling.         Mountain Bi-cycling was organized at Tutan Banda, Matta and Malakand. 18 x Participants contested in this event. A huge crowd witnessed and enjoyed this event. Commander 105 Brigade awarded cash prizes to the participants. 500 spectators witnessed this event.
(11)       Golf Matches.          Golf course was rehabilitated and Golf was played in Cedar Golf Resort, Kabal. During this activity a marvelous demo of Paragliding, Hang Gliding and Remote Con Aircraft flight was displayed. United Nations Development Projects Country Chief Mr Toschi Tinaka enjoyed Golf at the occasion and enjoyed a flight on ultra light aircraft over Kabal, followed by dinner.   
b.            Musical Program and Fireworks.              Fireworks and Musical programs were held in four phases:-
(1)          Opening ceremony was held in Mingora. Evening started with spectacular fireworks followed by a musical program. Famous singer Raheem Shah performed in the show. 15000 spectators enjoyed this musical show. The chief guest of the show was Governor Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa. Video of the event can be watched on web link tPktSUEYVlg.
(2)          Closing ceremony was held in Kabal ground. Program started with marvelous fireworks followed by musical program. Famous singers Haroon, Shaz Khan and others performed in the show. This program was the best musical show in the history of Kabal. 8000 spectators enjoyed this musical show. The chief guest was United Nations Development Projects Chief Mr Toschi Tinaka.  Video of the event can be watched on web link
(3)          Third Show was held in Matta. Re-knowned singer Shaz Khan and others displayed their vocal skills in the show. This program was witnessed by civilian officers and officers of Pakistan Army along with the people of Matta. 3000 spectators enjoyed this musical show.
(4)          Fourth and the last show was held in Shahi ground, Kalam. Shaz Khan and numerous local singers performed in the show. Splendid Fireworks were also part of program. During the musical program, talented people of Kalam participated enthusiastically.

c.            Recreational Events         
(1)          Sindh Troupe Show.         Army Sindh Troupe performed at different places in Swat in connection with Spirit of Swat festivities. A large no of local people attended the shows. 
(2)          Lucky Circus. Circus shows were arranged at different locations in Swat. This recreational event continued for 45 days. The program was organized by Manager Lucky Circus under the patronage of District      Co-ordination Officer, Swat. Video of the event can be watched on web link
(3)          Puppet Show.         Rafi Peer Theatre displayed their show at two places in Swat in connection with Spirit of Swat. First two shows were organized at Wadoodia Hall, Mingora. Puppet shows were also arranged in Kalam for amusement of general public.
d.            Adventure Week.    These events were held at Saidu Sharif Airport, Kabal Polo Ground, Ayub Bridge, Dhadhara Park, Kandak, Fizaghat, Char Bagh, Bagh Dheri, Maniar and Kalam. These activities were opened for the participation of general Public. Besides local population, foreigners were also allowed to participate. Three United Kingdom based sky divers also participated in sky diving and made a world record by jumping with the largest ever towed national flag i.e Pakistani Flag measuring 110 feet 3 inches long and 67 feet and 7 inches wide. Karate and Aerobatics were also performed. Following adventure events were held during adventure week:-
(1)          Para Gliding
(2)          Hang Gliding         
(3)          Sky Diving
(4)          Power Gliding
(5)          Micro Light Aircraft Flying
(6)          River Rafting
(7)          Dirt Biking
(8)          Remote Control Aircraft Flying
(9)          Martial arts.
e.            Other Activities
(1)          Tourists Facilitation Centre.        Tourist Facilitation Centre was established at Batkhela to facilitate the tourists, visiting Swat Valley. Booklets encompassing the history of Swat and tourist travel brochures were placed at Tourist Facilitation Centre to facilitate tourists in exploring Swat and the adjoining valleys. Tourist Facilitation Centre remained functional during the conduct of Spirit of Swat festivities starting from 1 June 2011 to 31 July 2011.
(2)          Promotion of Historical / Archeological Treasures of Swat.  Books comprising of the rich history of Swat and brochures for guidance of tourists were compiled by an Italian Archeologist Doctor Lucca, under the patronage of Italian Government and Archeology Department of Pakistan. They were kept available for tourists at different tourist sites including Tourist Facilitation Centre.
(3)  Marathon Race.  Marathon race was held at three levels; the tehsil level, Malakand division level and all Pakistan Swat Marathon. The national level event was held in Jarral Shaheed Park, Kabal. 50 x athletes participated in this marathon. This race started from Shamozai and finished at Jarral Shaheed Park. The chief Guest was Vice Chairman Pakistan Athletics Federation Brigadier Iqtidar. The chief guest awarded prizes to the athletes. News cutting is attached as per Annexure A.  Video of the events can be watched on web link

(4)  Jala Competition.   Jala competition was held in all tehsils and the final Swat event was held in river Swat at Jarral Shaheed Park, Kabal. 16 x teams participated in the event. The competition started from Gaaray to Jarral Park, Kabal. Gaaray Team won the competition. The chief guest was Deputy Director PaRRSA, Shakeel Iqbal.            Winner team was awarded cash prizes. News cutting is attached as per Annexure A.  Video of the event can be watched on web link
(5)  Camping and Trekking.    First camping and trekking expedition set off for Karakar and Elum Tops. 10 x mountaineers participated in the event. They carried out camping and trekking for 3 x day on Karakar and Elum Tops. Trekking expeditions also went off in Kalam to the adjoining valleys for carrying out camping for 2 x day. The Volunteer participants were awarded cash prizes and appreciation certificates. News cutting is attached as per Annexure A. Videos of the event can be watched on web links and .
(6)          Walk a Cause for Peace.  A walk for peace was held in all Tehsils. In these walks, a large number of people participated, wearing white cloths on their heads, representing themselves as ambassadors of peace. These people were in the possession of pamphlets in their hands which contained material in favour of peace. Video of the event can be watched on web link .

(7)          Vocational Training Centres’ Exhibition. Vocational Training Centres’ exhibition was organized at Swat Serena Hotel. Different types of handicrafts, hand-woven cloths, engraved pieces of metal and carved wood furniture were displayed. A large number of women attended this exhibition. Videos of the event can be watched on web links

6.         Effects of Spirit of Swat Festival           
a.            Promotion of a Peaceful Image of Swat across the Globe.   Spirit of Swat celebrations have projected a softer image of Swat, across the globe. Since, the ingress and dominance of Taliban in Malakand Division and especially in Swat, domestic tourists and the foreign visitors were reluctant to visit Swat Valley. However, the recent festivities, once displayed on electronic and print media portrayed the true picture of Swat which is prevailing on ground. Grand musical shows have removed many misconceptions in the minds of those people, who once thought of Swat as a place where terrorists patrol the streets and carry out looting and plundering.
b.            Attraction of Local and Foreign Tourists.       Foreign and local tourists have been widely attracted to Swat to see the Spirit of Swat celebrations. Paragliding, Hang Gliding, Sky Diving and Camping Trekking activites are a dream of adventure lovers. Participation by the world leading United Kingdom sky divers Lovemore Borthers and Peter is a testimony to this fact. Musical nights and fireworks have magnetic attraction for the young generation. All such activities have helped to revive the shattered tourism industry of Swat.
c.            Revival of Traumatized Economy.    Tourism industry, being the backbone of Swat economy has been kicked off with the celebrations of Spirit of Swat. Visitors from every nook and corner of the country have flocked to Swat and Kalam to enjoy the jubilations. Moreover, with the projection of a peaceful Swat, the local cottage industry of handicrafts, clothing and carved wood furniture have received a boost. Therefore, Spirit of Swat project has vastly contributed towards revival of devastated local economy.
d.            Projection of Land and Legacy of Swat after the Terrorists Nightmare.  The versatile land and rich cultural and historical legacy of Swat has got international attention during the conduct of Spirit of Swat festivities. While focusing on different adventure activities, the lush green valleys and snow clad peaks have mesmerised the viewers on television screens, across the world. Rich heritage of Swat was reflected in the successful exhibitions of handicrafts, precious stone carvings and hand-woven clothings. Overall, the Spirit of Swat project has proved to be a great opportunity for the promotion of land and legacy of Ashoka’s land.
e.            Celebrations of Festivities by the Locals – Swat Smiles Again.    Locals of the area participated wholeheartedly in Spirit of Swat festivities. The tyranny of taliban has vanished from their hearts and minds. People have started enjoying and celebrating the post Taliban era. The Spirit of Swat festival has awaken a new beam of hope and progress in the hearts of people.
f.             Realization by the Government and Non-Government Organizations to             Re-build Swat.   Spirit of Swat festivities have realized government and non government organizations about reconstruction of Swat and rehabilitation of Swati people after the nightmare of Taliban and devastation of floods. In this regards, different organizations have started numerous projects and developement programs. People are being supported financially and morally.
g.            A Giant Step towards Re-construction of Physical and Psycological Foundations of Swat. After the war and floods, tourism as well as local business was in a state of trauma in complete Swat region. People were pre-occupied by cruelties of Taliban and devastation of floods. Spirit of Swat was a giant step for attraction of domestic as well as international tourism which is the main source of earning for the people of Swat. It will be great aid for moulding the mindset of people towards normalcy and progressiveness.
h.            Provision of a Healthy Activity to the Young Generation of Swat.   Youth of Swat was badly affected by Taliban regime. Spirit of Swat has provided with a platform for expressing their energies and zeal. Different sports and adventure activities motivate the youth for engaging themselves in healthy activities instead of wasting time.
i.              Increase in Hotel Occupancy Rate.       Hotel occupation rate has increased mainfolds with the celebrations of Spirit of Swat. People from all over Pakistan have been attracted to Swat for becoming part of the festivities and have thus contributed to the local economy by occupation of once deserted hotels.    
7.         Recommendations for Future
a.            Holding of Spirit of Swat Festivities on Annual Basis.         It is suggested that the Spirit of Swat festivities should be celebrated regularly on annual basis. The multi-farious activities like Paragliding, Hang Gliding, Sky Diving, Musical Shows, Fireworks, Camping and Trekking etc should remain a part and parcel of such celebrations.  
b.            Enhanced Involvement of Civil Authorities.    In future, Spirit of Swat festivities may be organized by the civ authorities to empower them and to impart them with even greater confidence. For this purpose, direct funding from the donors or the Government should be done to the District Management Authorities of District Swat. This will in turn contribute towards the infrastructure development process in the war and calamity hit heaven of Pakistan.
c.            Media Coverage.    Greater media coverage with more involvement of electronic and print media correspondants should be arranged for better projection of events of Spirit of Swat Project. Video and photographs of adventure sports, muscial shows, fireworks, jeep and car rallies, dirt biking and mountain bi-cycling, different indoor and outdoor sports once displayed on television screens and the news papers fascinate the tourists and reflect the true picture of Swat.
d.            Kalam Road.            Efforts should be undertaken to complete the Kalam Road in early time frame.

8.         There are very few places on earth where history has moved so swiftly and there are even fewer places where nature is present in its true colours. Swat has both. It is perhaps a unique place which perfectly blends history, nature and culture into an attractive tourism package. Here is a land which offers everything from beautiful colours, incredible seasons, entertainment activities and hospitable people to breathtaking sights and serious history. Today, Swat and its surroundings are completely free from militancy. The crime rate is the lowest as compared to the rest of the country. One can freely travel around and enjoy the endless tranquility. Spirit of Swat project has helped to project the current serene picture of Swat Valley to the rest of the world. It will help make Swat one of the favourite tourist destinations once again and will contribute to the general good of the nation.
UNDP Country Head Pakistan Mr Torshi Tanaka alog with Brigadier General Saqib Rasheed Khan (on right) Project Manager Spirit of Swat Project

Mr Akhtar Paraglider demostrating landing at Kabal after half an hours flight at Kabal Golf Club

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